A Common Pattern – Using Insecure JavaScript Libraries

I will be up front and state that I am no JavaScript fan. I REALLY liked it back in the day when it was readable! I much prefer TypeScript as it fosters more robust, readable and maintainable code, especially for large projects. But that’s just my opinion.

With all that said, I understand JS’s importance in today’s modern toolset, and I am fine with that.

But there’s an alarming trend I have noticed with many customers who rely on common JS frameworks such as jQuery, Angular, Bootstrap, React and so on. Seems there’s a new framework every week!

The trend is devs using insecure JS libraries. 100% of the customers I have worked with over the last year or so have had at least one insecure JS library.

My old boss, Steve Lipner, coined a term about 20 years ago to describe these kinds of dependencies: he used the term ‘giblets’.

A giblet is code you depend on but you don’t control and JS frameworks are a prime giblet. If a JS framework you use has a security vulnerability, then you have a security vuln, too! Here’s a little more info on giblets.

So how do you remedy this issue of using insecure JS libraries?

First, you need to understand which libraries you use, and keep abreast of any security vulnerabilites therein. Someone in your org needs to keep track of this; it’s part of their job!

Next, you need to make a hard decision. Does your application host a copy of the libraries and possibly be behind on security fixes? Or, does your application pull the latest-n-greatest from the source and possibly run the risk of regressions? I cannot answer that question for you, you need to determine the policy and live with the tradeoffs offered by each scenario.

As a side note, there’s a great add-on for Chrome named Retire.js that will flag potentially vulnerable JS libraries from the browser. It produces output like the image below when you navigate to a web page that references a vulnerable library.

I want to wrap this up with a story.

One customer told me they had to use an old and insecure version of jQuery for compatibility with Internet Explorer on Windows XP! After looking at their analytics, they realized that some customers were still using Windows XP, but it was only three customers out of thousands!

So we added landing-page text that said, “We see you’re still using Windows XP! Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft, and we will retire support for Windows XP on September 30th 2019. After this date you might encounter issues using our system. Please upgrade before then.”

I think that’s reasonable!
